
verena vargas koch :: Forsterstrasse 36 :: D-10999 Berlin :: +49 30 892 071 12

Since 2005, exilfilm works on the development, production, post-production and distribution of films with a special focus on political, social and art issues.

We are glad to have provided services such as cinematography and more to the shooting of the film "Il Mundial Dimenticato" by Filippo Macelloni and Lorenzo Garzella produced by Verdeoro/Italia and DockSur/Argentina in Berlin. Currently, the film is shown in Festivals like 68th Venice International Film Festival- Venice Day of Auteurs, Shanghai IFF and many more and you can watch "Il Mundial Dimenticato- The Lost World Cup" in cinemas in Italy.

In the Laika-Verlag, an german editorial, a book in the series of the Bibliothek des Widerstands is published, that included two films, one of it is our documentary eviannaive.

You can order the book here or directly by amazon.

Global Pirates documentary by Laurent Notaro with Carlos Leal, 2009

eviannaive documentary by Verena Vargas

DVD available at exilfilm@gmail.com

... Tu lascerai ogne cosa diletta
più caramente; e questo è quello strale
che l'arco de lo essilio pria saetta.
Tu proverai sì come sa di sale
lo pane altrui, e come è duro calle
lo scendere e ´l salir per l` altrui scale...

... You shall leave everything you love most:
this is the arrow that the bow of exile
shoots first. You are to know the bitter taste
of others' bread, how salty it is, and know
how hard a path it is for one who goes
ascending and descending others' stairs ...

Dante Alighieri, Divina Commedia, Paradiso XVII: 55-60